Birds of the Wellington Region
- North Island Weka
- New Zealand Pigeon
- North Island Kaka
- Eastern Rosella
- Red Crowned Parakeet
- Yellow Crowned Parakeet
- Shining Cuckoo
- Long Tailed Cuckoo
- Morepork
- New Zealand Kingfisher
- North Island Rifleman
- Brown Creeper
- Whitehead
- Grey Warbler
- North Island Fantail
- Pied Tit
- North Island Robin
- Silvereye
- Stitchbird
- Bellbird
- Tui Cook Strait
- Blue Penguin
- Nothern Bullers Mollymawk
- Shy White Capped Mollymawk
- Northern Giant Petrel
- Fairy Prion
- Fluttering Shearwater
- Australasian Gannett
- Black Shag
- Little Shag
- King Shag
- Spotted Shag
- South Island Pied Oystercatcher
- Variable Oystercatcher
- Supr Winged Plover
- New Zealand Dotterel
- Banded Dotterel
- Eastern Bar Tailed Godwit
- Turnstone
- Southern Black Backed Gull
- Red Billed Gull
- Black Billed Gull
- White Fronted Tern
- Black Fronted Tern
- White Faced Heron
- White Heron
- Australasian Bittern
- Royal Spoonbill
- Mute Swan
- Black Swan
- Canada Goose
- Paradise Shelduck
- Mallard
- Grey Duck
- Grey Teal
- Brown Teal
- New Zealand Shoveler
- New Zealand Scaup
- Australasian Harrier
- New Zealand Falcon
- Californian Quail
- Marsh Crake
- Spotless Crake
- Pukeko
- Notornis
- Pied Stilt
- Black Stilt
- Skylark
- Welcome Swallow
- New Zealand Pipit
- Hedge Sparrow
- North Island Fernbird
- Song Thrush
- Blackbird
- Yellowhammer
- Chaffinch
- Greenfinch
- Goldfinch
- Redpoll
- House Sparrow
- Starling
- Australasian Magpie
- Rook
- Rock Pigeon
- North Island Brown Kiwi
- Little Spotted Kiwi