CD Archive / F - G - H
- Fathers In The Forest: Snowdonia: Okavango / 3 Tracks / 77.41
- Flight Of The Condor: Bird Flight / 2 Tracks / 73.11
- Flycatchers And Warblers Of French Polynesia / 3 Tracks / 79.32
- Flycatchers And Warblers Of French Polynesia Two / 2 Tracks / 32.25
- Forest Birds Of Slovenia One / 47 Tracks / 73.54
- Forest Birds Of Slovenia Two / 46 Tracks / 72.39
- Forests And Mountains Of Asia / 6 Tracks / 62.49
- Forests Of The Amazon / 18 Tracks / 70.46
- Friends Of Maui / 20 Tracks / 43.38
- Frog Calls From Costa Rica / 49 Tracks / 51.42
- From Aardvark To Zebra: Pukeko / 2 Tracks / 74.19
- From The Bush: Outback Recordings / 59 Tracks / 69.37
- Fulmarine Petrels / DVD / 50.00
- Fury Of The Forest: The Mangroves: Open Bay Islands / 3 Tracks / 67.07
- Galapagos 1: Living Fossil: Birds Of The Wellington Coast / 3 Tracks / 78.32
- Galapagos Four Man Came To Eden / 1 Track / 45.09
- Galapagos Perspectives Of Paradise How It Was Made: A World Of Waders / 2 Tracks / 78.10
- Garden Bird Songs And Calls / 99 Tracks / 73.33
- Garden Birds Of Southern Africa: Songs Of Tongaland / 79 Tracks / 72.47
- Genetics Of The Chatham Island Taiko / 1 Track 12.33
- Gloucestershire Wildlife Tapestry / 8 Tracks / 58.01
- Godwits Return / 1 Track 3.18
- Gooney Birds Of Midway Island: Out Of The Poo / 2 Tracks / 64.56
- Grassland Scrub Heath: Home & Farm: Urban & Garden: Bush & Desert: Coastal Wildlife / 94 Tracks / 79.12
- Greenland / 21 Tracks / 56.09
- Greifvogel Und Falken / 76 Tracks / 65.13
- Guafo Island Chile / 4 Tracks / 3.46
- Guia Sonora De Las Aves De Vista Nieve Y San Lorenzo Nevada De Santa Marta Columbia / 56 Tracks / 57.13
- Guia Sonora De Las Aves Del Departmento De Caldas Columbia / 84 Tracks / 72.53
- Guia Sonora De Las Aves Del Departmento De Norte De Santander Columbia / 51 Tracks / 46.57
- Guia Sonora De Las Aves Del Departmento Del Valle Del Cauca Columbia / 79 Tracks / 79.53
- Guide Sonore Des Oiseaux Nicheurs Des Comores / 82 Tracks / 67.59
- Guide Sonore Des Oiseaux Nicheurs Des Comores / 82 Tracks / 67.59
- Hen Island Expedition 1963: Kermadec Islands 1966-1967 / 30 Tracks / 51.39
- Heritage Of The Forest: The Language Of Birds / 2 Tracks / 73.06
- Highland Birds / 74 Tracks / 58.39
- Honeyeaters Of The Hunter Valley: Bird Calls Of The Daintree / 79 Tracks / 78.58
- Hot Water Birds: Mountain Forests Rockies: Sulawesi: The Herring Gull / 4 Tracks / 77.38
- How Green Is My Quarry: Great Salt Desert: Devil Birds / 3 Tracks / 71.30
- Hundred Species Of Birds (Japan) / 99 Tracks / 46.23